Brassworks 10-27H T-Bucket Radiator
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Based on the custom nature of the Polished Brass T Bucket orders we are receiving we can no longer provided a firm price on the T buckets. Prices will be based on time and materials. Standard dimensions cost 1,485.
The Polished Brass T Bucket radiators are based dimensional the polished brass era Model Ts c.1909 to 1916. We do make changes to this design and improvements to suit the engines cooling demands. The metal is thicker, we bead headers and the tank depth is reduced for strength. Most buckets do not run a hood although we can build to accommodate this too. Cores are deeper, tubes are highly elliptical and fin density is increased to 10FPI. We essentially overbuild the radiator for the vibration inherent in the T bucket frame and the heat of a high compression shorter stroke hopped up engine.
The product images you see pictured reflect past builds and serve merely to illustrate various elements of design. This is a small sampling of the many many we have built over the years. We will discuss the build, the engine the fan etc. and modify existing designed to suit your particular build. PLEASE DO NOT let the images limit your imagination and creativity. We enjoy redesigns on traditional builds and draw from the classics like Tommy Ivo, Marty Hollmann, Bob Johnston, Ed “Big Daddy” Roth, Chester Greenhalgh, Don Kendall, Joe Pirronello, John Morehead, Steve Scott, Blackie Gejeian, Jim Unruh, Ed Iskenderian, Duffy Livingstone, Bill Von Esser, Norm Grabowski and more.
The base price that covers most minor changes e.g. hose diameter or location changes, minor chops, dropping the core lower in the frame, growing the core taller. If you add an element of design that incurs greater time we advise you and then track the time and charge a shop rate to that particular element. The radiator you order will be constructed based on the information you provide for your bespoke build.
Made in the USA